The Butterfly Clinic
Neuro Developmental Therapy Program
Many children struggle with learning, behavioural and sensory challenges caused by neuro-motor and sensory immaturities and retained primitive reflexes that are still
present from early infancy.
The Butterfly Clinic uses a non-invasive developmental movement based program that helps to integrate primitive reflexes, improve balance, posture, co-ordination and the control of eye movements which supports a child's general development and progress in school, sport and social situations.

Our Purpose
To help children & adolescents achieve emotional, physical and academic success, & to guide their transformation into independent, confident individuals.
For Parents who want their children to experience their optimum Life!
The Butterfly Clinic Can Help With The Following

Building The Foundations For A Brighter Future
As parents our biggest wish is for our children to be happy and do their very best in life. Unfortunately, we are all aware of the struggles our children deal with in this modern world.
Children can be anxious, fearful and reluctant to try new things. They can become easily frustrated and cry at the drop of a hat.
Helping Children Live Their Best
Some children struggle to master skills that should be easily within their reach, like riding a bike, playing football, reading and writing.
Their teachers may suggest that they could do better if they tried harder, they are not paying attention or actively listening in class and they cannot sit still and are too easily distracted.

At home you may find that you have to constantly repeat instructions and feel that they are often in a world of their own.
You may have noticed that he/she is slightly different in the way they interact with other children and although you know there is nothing seriously wrong with them, you are still worried as you feel there is something not quite right and you just can’t put your finger on it!
Rebalancing Your Childs
Nervous System
The Butterfly Clinic
Many children experiencing these types of difficulties may have neuro motor & sensory immaturity caused by retained primitive reflexes that are still active from early infancy.
These retained primitive reflexes can cause difficulties with not only learning but also emotional dis-regulation, sport & social interaction.
The Butterfly Clinic uses a non-invasive developmental movement based program that helps to integrate primitive reflexes, improve balance, posture, co-ordination and the control of eye movements which supports a child's general development and progress in school, sport and social situations.
When a child's primitive reflexes are fully integrated, the change in child's behavior is always noticeable. They are generally much calmer, happier & more confident in themselves. Sporting activities become easier as they have better balance & co-ordination. They are better able to socialise with their peers & their teacher will often comment that their concentration & attention has improved along with their reading, writing, spelling & math's.

● Reading & Writing Challenges
● Spelling & Math's Difficulties
● Educational under achievement
● Dyslexia
● Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia)
● Clumsiness
● Poor balance & coordination
● Dis-organisation
● Poor working memory
● Poor attention and concentration
● Difficulty sitting still
● Auditory Processing Difficulties
● Anxiety
● Low self-esteem
● Noise and tactile sensitivity
● Sensitivity to bright light
● Bed wetting

What Parents Are Saying
“I couldn't recommend this program enough. My little boy started aged 10. He had no social skills or friends, hated football & team sports. Now as we are coming to the end of this program my boy play's football & has new confidence & has made friends. He is now happy confident & a loving boy who enjoys going to school. So I couldn't recommend this program to enough people”